You have been equipped to thrive in the people, places and passions God has given to you.

I'm NJ Rongner and the title of Stay At Home Mom isn't the one God created for me.
I am 100% OVER feeling guilty about working, loving my family and loving Jesus. I know that God wants families to thrive, to love Him and be loved by Him.
I'm a wife, a mom, run Working Christian Mom and work full time as a Marketing Coach at Clickfunnels. I don't have time to feel guilty, I'm too busy living the life God has called me to. He created me with gifts and talents to share with the world (and that includes my clients and co-workers). I know that God wants women to thrive in the people, places and passions He has given them. It is my joy to encourage you along the way.
Join The Working Christian Mom Community!
What I told you that there was a community full of other working moms who loved Jesus ready and waiting to connect with you? It's true! Join the WCM community where over 2000 women are finding support, encouragement and pointing each other back to Jesus. Join us by signing up on the right.
Join the Working Christian Mom community.

Listen To The Working Christian Mom Podcast
The Working Christian Mom podcast is a mix of interviews and solo show My areas of expertise include time management, building habits & routines and business strategy. Because I know my audience is full of moms who work outside of the home as well as entrepreneurs/work at home moms, you can expect a variety of podcast topics.

37: How To Have An Awesome Healthy Marriage With OL And Sway Buckley
A few weeks ago I asked The Working Christian Mom community what felt hard for them. An overwhelming majority said that it was their marriage… The extra time spent together because of safe at home measures and Covid-19 had stretched some marriages a little too thin. Today on the show we have two of my…

36: Our Big Feelings Are A Gift From God With Elizabeth Thompson
God has given us the gift of feelings, on purpose and for a reason. Elizabeth Thompson is a big feeler and well, I’m not. In this episode, we chat about navigating our feelings with Jesus, how big feelers and not so big feelers need one another and how we handle mom guilt. Elizabeth has a…

35: Overcome To Become: Trusting Jesus With Our Junk With Tasha Ferguson
Tasha and I and I are both launching / relaunching our podcasts on the same day and we chat about how our personality plays a role in our launch style and in life. We also talk about the joys of being a girl mom, the power of owning her story, and how achieving her career…

34: Filling An Empty Cup And Finding An Outlet With Lauren Anderson
Lauren and I chat about her motherhood story as a mama with a medically fragile son and how she discovered radical self care and began to fill her empty cup through finding an outlet. Lauren has an amazing online program designed to teach us how to make spectacular bakery level decorated sugar cookies. You can…

33: What We Learned In Quarantine With Sarah Morrison
Sarah Morrison and I are back to discuss what we learned in quarantine. Covid-19 gave us a few gifts, a few lessons and a few discoveries. We recapped our Word of the Year thoughts, spoiler alert, I couldn’t remember mine! If you want to hear more about our Word of the Year discussion, we share…

32: Word Of The Year With Sarah Morrison
On this episode of the Working Christian Mom podcast, Sarah Morrison and I discuss our hopes, dreams and goals for 2020. We also reveal our centering word of the year and how we arrived at them. Listen to the podcast here:

31: Let’s Get Real About Christmas (Working Mom Style) with Sarah Morrison
In this episode of the Working Christian Mom Podcast, I sit down with my working mom hero, Sarah Morrison. We chat about all of the ways we make the holiday season work as busy working moms. Join the Working Christian Mom Community here. Connect with Sarah here.

30: How To Handle Negative Feedback At Work
What is the biblical response when you get a negative review or receive feedback from your manager that points out areas you can grow in? In this episode, NJ shares her experience and gives us several tips on how to handle it. Join the Working Christian Mom community here.

29: Where Has The Podcast Been These Last Few Months?
Where did you go, NJ? In this episode of the Working Christian Mom podcast, I share all about what I’ve been up to the last few months and WHY the podcast needed a break. Guess what? It involves me landing my dream job. Listen here. Join the Working Christian Mom Facebook Community.