08: When God Uses Work To Make Your Story Come Full Circle with Lilah Higgins.

In this episode of the Working Christian Mom podcast I interview my internet friend turned real life friend, Lilah Higgins. Earlier this year, literally took her courage by the hand and did something really brave. She went to the If:Gathering knowing that she didn’t know anyone there besides her husband. Going to the If:Gathering was a full circle moment for her where God showed up in unexpected places and she left changed. She even had the chance to meet Jennie Allen and tell her about how If Gathering has played out in the story of her life. Lilah has a history of anxiety and she shares openly what her freedom journey has been like and how God has rewritten the narrative.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Lilah’s If:Gathering Story including how God showed up, her full circle moment and why she left changed.
  • Lilah’s mindset shift regarding her anxiety after she started partnering and trusting the Lord with it.
  • How Lilah views her job as a graphic designer through the lens of a God who loves creativity and art.

Here are three of my big takeaways from this episode.

God’s authorship on the story of our life is way cooler than I can ever imagine.

God is in the details of the big and of the small pieces of our life. When Lilah was hired to do some of the graphic design for the If:Gathering a few years ago, it was just starting and so was her career. When Lilah met Jennie Allen (founder of the If:Gathering), she was able to tell her in person how that job was used by God to set her career in motion.

Often times, we ask God for big things or little things, but we sometimes forget about the middle things. God wants to be part of all of our lives… the big, the small and the middle. And sometimes? We don’t see His hand working clearly until we look back and reflect on our past.

When God frees us, we can walk in that freedom because we are free.

We don’t have to walk around expecting those things to come back or waiting for the other shoe to drop. It’s not our job to wait around for it to come back, it’s our job to trust that God keeps our promises. When He frees us, we are free.

One of the first things we know about God is that He created.

Our God is a creative God who loves art, beauty and details. For a little while, Lilah wasn’t sure how her creativity played into the Kingdom. But she knows it does now. And if you’re looking to find more ways to be creative, she recommends switching out your time. Instead of watching Netflix in the evening after the kids go to bed, use that time to paint, draw, handletter or whatever creative activity it is that you enjoy.

Links Mentioned:

hen God uses work to make your story come full circle with Lilah Higgins.About our guest: Alongside her husband, Lilah Higgins is the co-founder of The Higgins Creative, a brand strategy & styling agency for coaches and consultants. Taking her fine art training into the online space, she works with purpose-driven companies who want to build an effective and cohesive brand across platforms.

She drinks her coffee iced, loves playing Mario Kart with her kids, and enjoys opening her home to people. You can find out more about her at www.thehigginscreative.com

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