Why I’ve Been So Quiet About The Launch Of Working Christian Mom

In December, I jumped in head first and full push towards launching Working Christian Mom. I combined forces with my friend, Kelsey Van Kirk and together we launched an epic giveaway. For over a year I have been praying through launching a podcast and website to equip and encourage Working Christian Moms in the people, places and passions God has given them.

Spoiler alert, it’s not exactly launched yet.

I ran full steam ahead and had all of the plans in motion to launch the Working Christian Mom podcast in January.

And then God put the brakes on. “Don’t force it, NJ. My timing is perfect. You’re headed in the wrong direction with this right now…”


Healthy conviction comes from the Lord. And this hard stop was confirmed not only through what the Holy Spirit was teaching me in God’s Word, but also from my board of advisers.

Board of advisers? God’s word is pretty clear that we’re to seek Godly counsel in our lives and I’ve got three friends who sit on my board of advisory. Before I act in most “big” things, I share with them my plans and ask for their wisdom, prayer and advice. Outside of my marriage, they are some of my closest relationships. They almost 100% of the time confirm what the Holy Spirit is saying in my life.

From the world’s point of view, putting the brakes on a big project might have seemed like a buzz kill.

But for me, there was peace.

And for the entire month of January, I prayed “your timing is perfect, thy will be done.” It almost became a mantra. The more I prayed it, the more peace I experienced.

With that being said, let me give you a podcast update.

I recently got the green light from my board of advisers and the Holy Spirit so move from planning into action. I’ve picked intro music, hired a podcast producer and have my first guests identified. This week, I’ll begin sending out a few interview requests. And I am boldly asking some of my favorite Christian Women who work… if you’ve ever watched an online conference like the IF: Gathering, those are some of the gals I am going to be emailing. Cover me in and those requests in prayer, please.

Because I want to launch this podcast with excellence, it will be hitting iTunes during the first half of March. Approximately 10 weeks AFTER I planned it would. His timing is perfect. His ways are not my ways.

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